Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Family Driven Faith

This past spring, my family and I had the opportunity to attend a conference entitled Family Driven Faith. The main speaker was unknown to me at the time, but I have since come to list pastor Voddie Baucham among the most inspiring and influential preachers I have heard. I greatly admire his strong stand for a return to a Biblical understanding of family life as well as his infectious, enthusiastic style of communication.

Since attending the conference, I have listened to a CD recording of his message, "Multigenerational Promise"(disc 3 of the Family Driven Faith set) , several times. This is one of the most powerful sermons I have heard. I will not look at Jeremiah 29:11 the same way again. Dr. Baucham uses this verse as a springboard for a discussion of the sovereignty of God and His plan for families. After confronting the common, “myopic” Christian view of life as something to consume and enjoy, he states his conclusion: walking with God is not a guarantee of an easy and prosperous life. It is about a long-term view—you walk with God so that generations to come will hear of your godly legacy and stand strong for Christ. “Those who plant trees are not interested in shade for themselves.” I don’t often cry, but I did the first time I heard this message. It is well worth hearing.

I mention this now, because I recently became aware of a new book. If it is anything like the messages I’ve heard, it may very well change your life!

Hat Tips to Lydia and Crystal

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